General Work Permits
General Work Permits
In the work order header right click and select the Create General Work Permit option from the menu. This will add a new entry to the General Work Permits tab of the work order.
Once the permit has been created, select it in the General Work Permits tab and you can open the approval process by clicking the Attachments link at the bottom of the window. Each GWP will have 2 approval steps, a Start Work Approval and an End Work Approval, with each step being assigned to the PROD_SUP group. Each step must be approved in sequence (i.e. you cannot approve the end work step before approving the start work step).
To approve a step, right click on the step and click the Approve option from the menu
To see the permit in more of a form based screen rather than on a single row right click on the permit and select Permit Details.
This will show a full screen version of the permit including the details along with the approval status. Many of the details are pulled from the work order and cannot be edited on this screen with the exception of Job Date, Start/End Time and the Equip OOS checkbox. The approval options can also be accessed from the Attachments link at the bottom of this screen.
If a job will carry over to the following shift and the permit needs to be closed and re-created for the new shift you can right click on the existing permit and click the Copy To New option. This will create a new permit with the same details but without the approvals.
To make tracking of New (Unapproved) and Active permits easier we can setup queries to select specific record sets based on the approval status. Approvals can also be performed from the Attachments link at the bottom of this screen by selected the permit and approving each step just as you would on the work order or permit details screen.